Dyson’s new ambient lamp promises to last up to 60 years and has a USB-C port built in


Dyson’s new ambient lamp promises to last up to 60 years and has a USB-C port built in

Dyson’s new ambient lamp promises to last up to 60 years and has a USB-C port built in


There’s also a personal-sized air purifier

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Alongside today’s announcement of a new V11 cordless vacuum, Dyson also announced updates to its lighting and air purifier products. The first is the Dyson Lightcycle, its desk and floor lamp that can automatically adjust its lighting temperature based on ambient light or time of day. The high-end lamp also includes a scheduled lighting mode that gadgets like the new Casper Glow offer: you can now set wake and sleep times to gradually adjust as you prepare to rise or wind down.

Everything about the Lightcycle is as over-engineered as you’ve come to expect from Dyson products. It has a new control panel above the bulb (which Dyson claims can last up to 60 years) that uses touch-capacitive taps and slides to control the power, lighting temperature, and brightness. Buttons along the bottom let you turn on the ambient mode that allows the Lightcycle to change lighting temperatures based on the natural light it finds in the room.

Along the side of the stand, there’s a single USB-C port. Dyson did not get back to us in time for publication on the output power, only describing speeds as “fast” for smartphones, “medium-fast” for gadgets like a Nintendo Switch, and slower for larger devices like a laptop. We’ll update this post if we get an exact number.



Photo by Natt Garun / The Verge

The Lightcycle can adjust to help your eyes

It’s also now connected to the Dyson app where you can set your location so the Lightcycle can match the lighting to the exact lighting conditions based on where you are. I imagine this feature will be seldom used because I’m not sure who travels with their desk lamp often enough to have to periodically update its location. One feature that is interesting and can only be activated through the app, however, is precise lighting modes such as study, precision (Dyson says this is designed for engineers, artists, or other handiwork), and relax. You can also add your age so the Lightcycle adapts its brightness to a level it deems appropriate for your vision.

In addition to the lamp, Dyson is also updating its air purifier that launched last year with a miniaturized version for tabletops. The new Dyson Pure Cool Me (a mouthful of a name) has a ball-like top that you can tilt forward and back to control the direction of air flow. It also includes oscillation modes and a timer through the remote. Unlike the Lightcycle or the Pure Cool Link, the new Pure Cool Me won’t be able to sync to Dyson’s app. The company says this is designed for personal uses rather than to cool and clean the whole room, so adding app functionalities didn’t seem like it was necessary.

Photo by Natt Garun / The Verge

Unlike its bigger counterpart, the Pure Cool Me won’t tell you the types of microns and impurities it’s eliminating from your room while in use. You can, however, still use the remote to find out how your filter is faring and see when to swap it out. According to the company, the filters will last about a year with daily use.

The Dyson Lightcycle has already launched in China, but it will be globally available in April. Preorders begin today on Dyson.com, starting at $599.99 for the desk lamp and $899.99 for the floor lamp. Despite those steep prices, however, expect to only use the Dyson Link app to control the lamps. It will not ship with third-party functionalities with smart assistants like Alexa or Google Assistant. The Pure Cool Me is available now through Dyson for $349.99, and it will come to Target, Best Buy, and Amazon in April.


▲伊萊克斯PURE Q9-P在台開賣,標配新增價值6,000元的新吸頭。(圖/記者蔡惠如攝)


瑞典家電品牌伊萊克斯今(7/2)宣佈旗下無線吸塵器商品PURE Q9-P在台開賣,該產品為去年在台上市的PURE Q9加強版,其標準配備新增一款價值6,000元的「Power Pro拋光滾刷」吸頭,而售價與去年21,900元相同,另針對振興券商機,也在7/15起推出買2萬元現抵3,000元優惠,等同7月中後出手選購,連同贈品價值現賺9,000元。


▲PURE Q9-P標配除了2個主吸頭之外,還有針對塵蟎專用的UV吸頭。(圖/記者蔡惠如攝)

高價收購戴森(Dyson)與瑞典伊萊克斯(Electrolux),今年爆發新冠肺炎疫情,環境家電如吸塵器、空氣清淨機銷量在上半年顯著攀升,伊萊克斯表示,今年1至5月旗下PURE A9空氣清淨機月銷量與去年整體平均相較,就有50%左右的成長,每月銷售數量可破千台。



▲Power Pro拋光滾刷吸頭,市售售價6,000元。(圖/記者蔡惠如攝)

今伊萊克斯在台發表PURE Q9加強版「PURE Q9-P」,強調「雙主吸頭」的配備,除原本可按下一按鍵便能截斷毛髮的「毛髮截斷吸頭」之外,加強版再新增「Power Pro拋光滾刷吸頭」,適合在硬地板如木頭、磁磚上使用,如布一般的設計能在吸塵時貼緊地面,除能讓地板更有拋光感,也能提升集塵效能。




此外,為搶7月中振興券上路後,可能出現的「報復性消費」市場,伊萊克斯也針對百貨通路,推出現抵優惠,7/15至8/31期間,到百貨櫃點購買伊萊克斯全系列商品,消費滿1萬元可現抵1,000元;消費滿2萬元可現抵3,000元,以新上市的PURE Q9-P為例,現抵3,000元加上價值6,000元的標配吸頭,即可現賺9,000元左右。

Dyson則針對政府振興三倍券推出最新優惠方案,7/1至7/31期間,於特定通路購買Dyson任一主機商品,可獲贈虛擬「Dyson加倍奉還振興券3,000元」,其品牌振興券可於8/1至9/15期間使用,用於折抵 Dyson正價主機商品。




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